I will be frank about how I feel right now--like crap. I'm lethargic, and my arms and legs feel like Jello Jigglers. Even though I had plenty of sleep and I ate well yesterday, today I feel horrible. Almost like I have the flu--the aches, pains, and tiredness.
Well, this is normal states the Whole30 book. "Since you've removed many of the dense carbohydrates from your diet (like sugars, grains, and legumes), your body can no longer rely on those sugars as a primary energy source. That often leads to 'withdrawal' symptoms like headaches, lethargy, and crankiness--the 'carb flu'--as your body adjusts to its new fuel source" (Hartwig 213).
Therefore, today I did basically nothing. I did take a 20 minute nap in the middle of the day because I didn't think I would be able to make it to dinner time.
My 3 meals consisted of:
1. 2 Egg McNothin', a spinach & fruit smoothie (no dairy), and my God awful coffee;
2. Slow Cooker Pork Shank - but modified - I did this with pork chops instead of the shank; and
3. Blueberry & Strawberry Arugula Salad with oil & balsamic vinegar - Originally a Blackberry Arugula Salad, but have you seen the price on blackberries lately? I think not.
I did have a snack in the evening which consisted of a stalk of celery, 5 baby carrots, and 1 tablespoon of Almond Butter, which is fast becoming my friend at this beginning of this trek. I need something that seems bad, right?
I made some of my Tevana Tea to put in the frig, so I'm not constantly drinking just water. I know it is good for a body, but please...when I'm craving sugar, water ain't gonna cut it!
At 6:30 p.m., Don and I took a ride down to Whole Foods in North Wales, which is under an hour drive from Bethlehem. For those of you who are local, take 378 to 309S--straight drive down and back. BUT before you make the trip, here are some tips:
1. Remember that 'Organic' does not always fit the Whole30 program. Many organic items contain sugar, grains, and carageenan (which must be a relative to crack because it is STRICTLY taboo in the Whole30 plan, as is MSG and sulfites).
2. There are a COUPLE of meats at Whole Foods, hot dogs and sausage that fit in the Whole30 plan. Read the labels carefully--don't be like me--make sure you have your reading glassses with you!
3. Canola, Sunflower, and other nut oils are permitted in the Whole30 program, but they should be limited. We found Sweet Potato Chips and Carrot Chips that are just sweet potato or carrot, but were processed with one of the nut oils. We bough them (at a staggering $4 a bag) because my husband is having "snack food withdrawal."
4. We found Whole30 compliant salsa and blueberry salad dressing in the produce refrigerated section, as well as organic mayo (so I don't have to make my own right away).
5. They also had frozen seafood (not that we purchased any), such as wild-caught scallops (2 lb - $20) and wild-caught large shrimp (2 lb - $20).
Here is a Google document that I have started for a guide (for locals) to purchase Whole30 compliant foods. If you find something elsewhere at a better price, please feel free to comment on the blog post.
Signing out for now....